Z cpu 64
CPU-Z ist ein Freeware Diagnose-Tool f r Deine CPU. Erkennt alle Intel, Athlon Prozessoren. Zeigt auch Mainboard und RAM Angaben. Hier die neueste Version von CPU-Z. cpu-z определит процессор, материнскую плату, оперативную память, видеокарту, установленную. CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system : Processor name and number, codename, process, package, cache levels. CPU-Z是一款家喻户晓的CPU检测软件,除了使用Intel或AMD自己的检测软件之外,我们平时使用最多的此类软件就数它了。CPU-Z支持. CPU-Z quickly collects information about some of the main devices of your system. CPU-Z collects and displays multiple useful details about your machine's. Cpu-Z 是一款家喻户晓的CPU检测软件,可以完善的检测电脑当前处理器的各类详细信息,让用户更完善的了解自己电脑上的处理. CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system: Processor name and number, codename, process, package, cache levels. Cpu-Z 64位(CPU检测软件) V1.74 中文绿色版. 授权:免费软件 WinAll, WinXP, Win7 大小:2.3M 语言:中文. Cpu-Z是一款家喻户晓的CPU检测. 追加説明 - 追加説明 - パッチには 32ビット版向けと64ビット版向けがあります。英語版をダウンロードした後、適切な. CPU-Z ist ein Hardware-Analyse-Werkzeug, das sich Prozessor, Mainboard und RAM-Speicher eines Rechners n her ansieht und diverse Daten ausliest und anzeigt. CPU-Z 1.59 version has an unusual ability to directly detect hardware features, such as the ability to access, read, and display CPU-Z 1.88 Englisch: CPU-Z zeigt umfangreiche Infos zu Prozessor, Cache, Mainboard cpu-z是一款处理器信息查看软件,它可以手机系统硬件信息,包括处理器名称、编号、类型、大小等等各类信息,集中展示给. PassMark CPU Benchmarks. Over 350,000 CPUs Benchmarked and compared in graph. PassMark Software - CPU Benchmarks - Over 1 million CPUs and 1,000 models benchmarked and compared in graph form, updated daily. パソコンの情報表示の定番フリーソフトcpu-zのインストールと使い方と図説。. cpu-z 1.61 다운로드 최신버전 아이비브릿지 i7-3770k es버전을 지금 쓰고 있습니다. 아직 테스트할것이 많긴 한데요. 최신. In computer architecture, 64-bit computing is the use of processors that have datapath widths, integer size, and memory address widths of 64 bits (eight octets). CPU-Z Portable um programa desenvolvido por www.CPUID.com. Acesse e veja mais informa es, al m de fazer o download e instalar o CPU-Z Portable. 本站提供cpu-z中文版下载。cpu-z中文绿色版是款强大的cpu识别工具,软件使用简单,功能强大,运行后即可显示cpu核心以及运行.
Links to Important Stuff
- CPU-Z \ GPU-Z - просмотр характеристик процессора.