Hippocrates the father of medicine презентация

Hippocrates The Hippocratic Oath Hippocrates The. Advertisements. Скачать презентацию Hippocrates The Hippocratic Oath Hippocrates The. презентация Гиппократ на англ и на русском.ppt. Количество слайдов: 18 ; Hippocrates The Hippocratic Oath . Hippocrates – «The Father of Medicine» Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности №038767 выдана 26 сентября Hippocrates – «The Father of Medicine»Министерство Здравоохранения Республики Башкортостан. Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called "the father of Medicine" and some of his ideas are still important. Hippocrates – «The father of medicine» 460 B.C He observed diseases such a pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria and added to the medical language such words HIPPOCRATES - THE FATHER OF MEDICINE. The first name in the history of medicine is Hippocrates, a physician from ancient Greece. We know him as a father of medicine and his name is associated with the Hippocratic Oath, a document of the obligations, ideals and ethics of physicians. Переведите текст пожалуйста “Hippocrates-the Father of Medicine” (460-377. B.C) Hippocrates was born in Greece. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out plague from Athens by lighting fires in the streets of the city. That is all we know of Hippocrates himself. But we have his writings which are called Hippocratic Collection. The Collection Consists of more than one hundred books. Some of the Hippocratic thoughts are quite. Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called «the Father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important. Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called «the father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important. Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath (клятва).